Every year at English Camp, we have the opportunity to share
an evening message and talk about it in discussion groups each night. The
course of the week always follows a theme that is designed to bring students
into an encounter with Christ and the gospel.
Our theme this year is reconnect. Reconnect is not
primarily about us reconnecting with one another at camp—it’s about humanity’s
reconnection with God through Jesus Christ. It’s the story of God’s creation,
our rebellion, and God’s redemption through Jesus’ life, death, resurrection,
and ultimate restoration.
The way we are communicating this story of God in the world
this year at camp is through the story of Peter. Last night we introduced Peter
as a normal guy that had to rethink everything because of what
Jesus did in his life. God ultimately used him to turn the world upside down.
Tonight we will see how Peter reacted when his dream of Jesus
ruling as Messiah and King seemed to end with Jesus being crucified. On Monday
we will hear Peter replay what he saw and experienced in Jesus’ ministry. On
Tuesday we will hear about times when Peter had to refocus on Jesus’ power
instead of relying on his own power. On Wednesday we will hear about how Peter
ultimately rejected Christ and put himself over and above Jesus.
On Thursday, which is gospel night at camp,
we will hear how Jesus restores broken
relationships. Please pray for that night in particular as we will be
clearly sharing the gospel and giving an opportunity for students to respond.
Friday night will then be another opportunity to talk about our theme—that
ultimately we can only be reconnected to God through Jesus Christ.
Please pray for all of our students as they lead discussion
groups this week. Also please pray for Ben Reis and myself, as we will be
leading these talks together starting tonight. I’ll be introducing the theme
and concluding the theme each night, and Ben will be acting as Peter each
night, bringing the gospel in the form of a first person monologue. Pray for
confidence as Ben shares this important message in this unique way. Thank you
so much for your prayers! The Spirit of God is the only one who can ultimately
open hearts the gospel, and we pray that he would move powerfully here this