It's Thursday afternoon and we're enjoying a little free time after several sessions on evangelism, teaching English, etc. We've had a great time thus far connecting as a team and everyone is so excited to get to camp tomorrow! We're attaching a few pictures of our team as we left the MSP airport and sitting in Prague waiting to head to camp.
A huge prayer request for us as camp starts on Saturday. We were able to spend time as a team praying for everyone who is signed up for camp. As of today there are 43 students signed up for camp that are not believers, 23 students from the Volant (Czech) youth group and 22 of us... which adds up to a LARGE camp! 18 of the 43 students have never been camp before so we're excited to meet everyone on Saturday!
We'll share more in the coming days. Thanks again for all your support and prayers as families. Everyone is doing great and I'm guessing not missing home too much at this point :)
Looking great and ready to roll! Too early to miss home. God bless all of you.