Friday, July 8, 2011

Last Day of Camp

It has been a busy week of English classes, sessions and discussion groups and afternoon free time. We have only been here for seven days, but there have been some amazing friendships started.
Last night was gospel night. One of the women from Volant gave her testimony. Then Jeremy spoke telling the historical event of Jesus' death for our sins. Afterwards the students walked through a labyrinth. They were asked to be quiet and go at their own pace. The labyrinth focused on our identity. At the end students who had questions they wanted answered were given the option to go and talk with some people. There were some really great conversations starting with questions like:
Why did Jesus have to die?
Is the Bible trustworthy?
Isn't there more than one way to God?
There will undoubtedly be more questions and conversations to come tonight as Jeremy will be talking about the life of Jesus after his sacrifice. Please continue praying for God to be stirring in the hearts here as we finish up camp and head off to homestays.
Tomorrow morning we will head to our homestays until Monday morning when we will leave Sumperk and head off to Prague. As some Volant members confirmed, some nonbelievers encountered significant leaps in the understanding of Christian faith.
Thanks so much for all your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. So good to hear all that the Lord is doing through this team. I am continuing to pray through some specific verses for you guys ... Phil 4:8-9 and James 3:13. May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit!
    Blessings, Beth
