Thursday, July 31, 2014

Gospel Night

Hi all,

Just a quick update. We are heading into our night program in just a few minutes - and are asking for your prayers!

Yesterday Justin talked about sin and brokenness- and tonight Jeremy will be sharing the Gospel and inviting students to respond. We will be having a čajovna (tea house) set up for students to have conversations afterwards.

Would you please pray for tonight? For clarity as Jeremy speaks and Babu translates, for spiritual protection, for students hearts to be soft, for boldness, and for us as we trust the Lord to do His work. 

Below are a few pictures from the past few days- things are still going great. No injuries so far, people are healthy, relationships are going deeper and there were many awesome conversations on hike day-- thank you for your prayers!

We only have one full day left of camp and then we head to Czech homes for follow up. Thanks for standing with us!!

Nathan's birthday celebration- Czech style!

Guys on hike day

Icebreaker games before night program

Our čajovna for after tonight's program

Monday, July 28, 2014

Hike Day

Today is already day 4 of camp... It's flying by! 

I don't have much time to post- but hopefully the pictures below will speak for themselves! We are tired, but doing great. Relationships are being built with students and we are seeing God at work.

Today is an important day - it's hike day! We will spend most of today on a 16 km hike. It's one of my (Jess) favorite days because it provides time for extended and really purposeful conversations. Looking back, a lot of turning points in relationships have happened during or after hike day. We are excited to see how the Lord works today.

Would you pray for us? For boldness in conversations, for safety as we hike, for intentionality, for energy!

Thank you!!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Camp Starts Today!

Czech students start arriving in just a few minutes for English Camp 2014!

Would you join us in praying for these students as they arrive?

We are so excited for this week to start and to be a part of the work the Lord is already doing.

Watch for another post coming soon from Jeremy about our theme for the week.

Traveling from Malenovice to Šumperk by train

NHC and Kostel Jinak team getting to know each other

Final preparations before camp starts

Lunch together!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


Hi everyone,

We just finished our second and last day of training at Malenovice. What a blessing it was to spend these last few days with two other American teams preparing for English camp.

We had sessions about Czech culture & history, the Gospel & evangelism, teaching English, leading small groups and how to connect Czechs to the local church. There have also been testimonies of Czech students who have come to Christ through English camps and many stories of what God is doing in this country. 

This evening we had a commissioning service- a time to send each other (the other American teams) out to each of our camps. Justin led us in a sweet time of communion and prayer together as a team- and we ended the night by worshipping outside under the stars.

It's been a great few days. And our hearts continue to burn for the Czech students who do not know the Gospel. 

"A movement of God among the youth of Central and Eastern Europe that finds its home in the local church and transforms society." -- Josiah Venture's vision

This is why we are here. We believe that God is at work here and has been at work here for a long time. We are praying for many more Czech students to come to know Him - would you join with us?

Pray for God to soften and prepare hearts of students. Pray that He would bring revival in Šumperk and in this nation! 

Tomorrow we travel to camp to prepare and meet the Kostel Jinak team. Pray for peace and unity as we enter into this next week of camp. We covet your prayers and are so thankful to have you standing with us!


Malenovice - where we are having training!

Justin blessing us with his gift of free styling before one of our evening sessions

Team bonding & games during free time

About to be commissioned & sent out

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

We made it to Czech!

Well, we finally made it to Czech! After over 24 hours of traveling on planes and buses, we are sure ready to sleep in beds tonight :)

Thanks so much for your prayers- we made all our flights (though just barely in London) and only had one delayed bag (which should be here tomorrow morning). Super thankful for the smooth travels, even though it was long!

We got in to Malenovice this evening around 6:30 pm or so (where we will have training for the next two days)-- and had a nice meal, watched the sunset and played an intense game of volleyball :)

We are all pretty tired- so we appreciate your prayers for rest tonight and energy tomorrow as we head into a full day of training.

Thanks so much!

Dobrou noc (goodnight), 


On our 5.5 hour bus ride from Prague to Malenovice

Loving the Malenovice sunset :)

Monday, July 21, 2014

On our way!

And we are off!

We are sitting in the MSP airport... And excited to get to Czech! This is the beginning of many hours of travel and more airport time.

Thanks for your prayers for safety as we fly, for good bonding time as a team during layovers, and limited jetlag over the next few days!

Jess (for all!)