A group of 19 students, college interns and staff are serving in Sumperk, Czech Republic from June 26-July 12, 2017. We will be leading an evangelistic English camp and building relationships with Czech high school students!
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Camp Starts Today!
Czech students start arriving in just a few minutes for English Camp 2014!
Would you join us in praying for these students as they arrive?
We are so excited for this week to start and to be a part of the work the Lord is already doing.
Watch for another post coming soon from Jeremy about our theme for the week.
Traveling from Malenovice to Ĺ umperk by train
NHC and Kostel Jinak team getting to know each other
"I pray that the eyes of the students and the campers may know the hope to which they are called and the riches of our glorious inheritance in the saints. Let them know the incomparable great power which is in them who believe. Let them see the full revelation of Jesus and place in them a desire to know the power of His resurrection. Amen, So be it!" We will be praying corporately in the prayer room at NHC tomorrow too! Blessings, Beth
"I pray that the eyes of the students and the campers may know the hope to which they are called and the riches of our glorious inheritance in the saints. Let them know the incomparable great power which is in them who believe. Let them see the full revelation of Jesus and place in them a desire to know the power of His resurrection. Amen, So be it!" We will be praying corporately in the prayer room at NHC tomorrow too! Blessings, Beth